First and foremost CONGRATULATIONS, YOU’RE ENGAGED!! You are now entering one of the most exciting times of your lives! This can also be one of the most stressful times but have no fear we are writing this post just for you. No matter if you are the bride who has been planning your wedding since you were a little girl or someone that has never even heard of a color scheme; your mind is probably going a mile a minute thinking how to make all your dreams come true. So now that you are engaged, now what?
Before you even start looking for your perfect venue there is something much more important to do. Realize that you have received a gift from God in the form of your fiance. We believe wholeheartedly in the sanctity of marriage. It’s the most beautiful gift God will give you. Think about this…the same God who created Heaven and Earth saw favor in you and took the time to create your perfect match. You may not know it now but the person you’ll soon say “I do” to possesses all of the qualities that you may not even realize you need. But God knew and He is giving you that gift. Pretty amazing feeling right? Now both of you have to treasure and nurture this gift!
Some ways you can start or continue to do this is…
First start praying together, if you don’t already.
I can’t even express to you how beneficial this is. Praying together gives God a road to your hearts to create a strong relationship with Him and each other, a cord of three strands is not easily broken.
This also opens you as a couple to hear God together. The voice of God is the only way we can be certain we are living our best life. He provides us with wisdom in every situation we face. As a couple, you will experience tremendous hardships and changes together where you will be at a complete loss on how to even be around your partner. Here you will need God’s guidance on how to speak and even act towards one another. Praying together is just a great habit to start together so both of you will be open to listening when the advice rolls in.
Something else you should do is talk about how you want to celebrate your upcoming marriage. I’m not talking about pretty flowers and yummy cake, dig deep with this. What makes you unique as a couple? Now incorporate this into the details of your wedding.
There are so many ways you can add your personalities to your big day. Your guestbook could be a tablecloth that everyone signs to only use at Christmas to start a new family tradition. Your unity ceremony might be an oak seedling that you incorporate soil from both of your hometowns to plant in the yard of your first home together. You might even do a taco cart rather than a groom’s cake because your guy isn’t big into sweets! This is your day and you can make it as unique as you want!
Make sure to discuss premarital counseling. If it’s for you talk to your church or look for an organization to register with.
Y’all I was with my husband for six years before we got married where we thought we had the whole communication thing down, then premarital counseling blew our minds! This was just a short 4-week course where we met once a week and the knowledge they dropped on us was amazing. It made us an even stronger and happier couple. They even taught us how to argue better. We now know what to say and not to say and even when to say it, so any disagreement we have is so much less dramatic and much more productive.
The last thing I would suggest is to keep dating!
I know it sounds silly but so many couples turn date nights into vendor meetings and wedding discussions. Go on a date but don’t talk about the wedding. This will help keep the fun in wedding planning and make you think back on this time nothing other than that was a blast!
It’s important to do this through your entire engagement but make sure to really schedule a couple date nights for the last month before the wedding. This time can be extremely hectic and overwhelming; you want to keep the focus on you two and the exciting life you are about to start together. So plan a nice dinner at your favorite spot, turn off your cell phones and put away the to-do lists. Seriously, try it. It’ll be harder than you think.
My hope is that you find this little bit of advice helpful and start to prep your relationship for this amazing journey ahead of you. Once you start implementing these few suggestions I promise you will go from engaged and confused to engaged and ready to go! But really, just remember to take a deep breath when you get overwhelmed and always keep the focus on the two of you and your happiness.
Want more on how to keep dating even after 10 years of marriage? Head over to our blog post all about it featuring the cutest engagement session by Cotton Collective.